Watch Bhagavad Gita classes (in Telugu)

Watch Bhagavad Gita classes (in Telugu). LIVE telecast every Saturday. Broadcasting on 30.12.2023 from 5:45 - 6:30 PM IST followed by Evening Aaratrikam and Bhajans from 6:45 - 07:30 PM through our LIVE streaming link:

Watch Weekly class on Adi Shankara’s Bhaja Govindam Stotram

Watch Weekly class on Adi Shankara's Bhaja Govindam Stotram (In English). Webcasting on 31.12.2023 from 5:45 - 6:40 PM IST followed by Evening Aaratrikam and Bhajans from 6:45 - 08:00 PM through our LIVE streaming link:

Watch Talk & Kalpataru Day Celebrations

Watch Kalpataru Day Celebrations. (Bhajans, Homa, Discourse & Special Aarati) broadcasting on 01.01.2024 from 07:30 am to 12:15 am through our LIVE streaming link:

Watch Kalpataru Day Celebrations

Watch Kalpataru Day Celebrations. Webcasting on 01.01.2024 from 5:45 - 6:40 PM IST followed by Evening Aaratrikam and Special Bhajans from 6:45 - 08:00 PM through our LIVE streaming link: